I want to live I want to leave * kolekcja NFT

Kolekcja powstała na potrzeby konkursu Uncut Network, została wyróżniona drugim miejscem oraz wystawiona na konferencji NFT Biarritz w Paryżu.

Więcej o kolekcji tu.

I feel like my digital identity traces back to my earliest uploaded data, dating back around 17 years ago. Personally, I find it overwhelming to think about the immense volume of content generated, uploaded, and interwoven every single second on the Internet. This feeling doesn’t sit well with me. Can you feel the anxiety looking at my work? What I would do to be offline and solely live in reality, but at the same time the virtual world became the necessity of our times offering opportunities we’ve never had before. These paradoxes lead me back to the classic question: to be or not to be.

Rok: 2023

zróbmy coś razem

Daj znać, jeśli szukasz projektanta. Pogadamy i zobaczymy, czy stworzymy razem coś fajnego.